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2025 Season

2025 Spring Registration is Closed

Our open registration for the 2025 Season has now closed. If you are still interested in playing this year, we may have openings on select teams. Please reach out to Sean Carscadden ( for our Boys Teams, or Crystal Braswell ( for our Girls Teams.

2024/2025 USA Lacrosse Age Chart

Age Group Birth Dates School Grade Reg Fee
U6 9/1/2018 - 12/31/2020 Pre K - K $100
U8 9/1/2016 - 8/31/2018 1 - 2 $295
U10 9/1/2014 - 8/31/2016 3 - 4 $405
U12 9/1/2012 - 8/31/2014 5 - 6 $510
U14 9/1/2010 - 8/31/2012 7 - 8 $510

The above chart is for all USA Lacrosse events taking place between 9/1/2024 - 8/31/2025.

If your player's birthday falls outside of this table, or you wish to discuss having your player play in a different age division, please reach out to discuss your options. 

2025 Phantom Parent Meeting

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our 2025 Parent Meeting. If you were not able to attend, or would like to view it again, please see the link below. 

USA Lacrosse Membership

All Players and Coaches are required to have a USA Lacrosse Membership that is valid through the entire season. To register for a new membership, or to renew an existing one, please visit the USA Lacrosse Website


We need to begin assembling our coaching staff for the 2025 Spring Season. We have always relied on a volunteer coaching staff and this year will be no different. We are looking for a Head Coach, Assistant Head Coach, and Assistant Coaches for every team. By volunteering now, you will be given access to resources on how to build practice plans, have the ability to provide input into the game schedule, and ensure that your player’s team will have a coach. After the season begins, a percentage of your child’s registration will be refunded back to you depending on the level of Coach you volunteer for. 

Prior coaching and/or lacrosse experience is a plus, but not necessary. There are plenty of online training courses and other resources available for every level of coaching. We will be hosting a coaching clinic on January 11th for anyone who may be interested in coaching this year, so please reach out if this could be you. We would love to get some new, energetic coaches out on the field, so please consider volunteering.

Do not assume “someone else” will step up. YOU ARE that someone else.

For any questions you may have, or to volunteer, please reach out to any of the following:





For information about what equipment your player will need, or to inquire about our equipment rental packages, please visit our Equipment Page or contact our Equipment Manager.


This year games will be played between March 1st and May 17th. There will be NO GAMES played on the weekend before or after Spring Break (3/29, 3/30, 4/5, or 4/6), Easter Weekend (4/19 or 4/20), or on Mother's Day (5/11).

Most teams will have games scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays, but teams may have a couple "off days" throughout the season. 

The number of games played varies based on the age division (older kids will probably play more games). Because of how Easter and Spring Break are split up this year, the number of games will probably range between 10-14. 

Our scheduling meeting takes place in early January. Game schedules will hopefully be made available by the last week in January. 

Pre K (U6) Program

For the first time we are excited to introduce a U6 division. Players who are 4, or 5 years old will have the option of registering for either the U6 or U8 team. U6 will have one, co-ed team that will serve as an intro to lacrosse. There will be no games with other clubs since no other clubs in our area are offering a similar program. Equipment will be provided by the club, and there will only be one practice a week.  U8s will follow the standard practice schedule and play games with neighboring clubs. Our U6 program will have a shortened season running from early March - mid May. It will be up to you to decide where your child is physically and emotionally ready to play.


We never want money to get in the way of kids playing sports, and so we have scholarships available for any player, or family who needs it. The scholarship process is kept completely private and is only known to the President and Treasurer. Please visit our Scholarship Page prior to registration for more details.

2025 Season Practice Schedule

Our Wednesday practice schedule will start on January 22nd and 29th. 

Our normal Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday schedule will begin on February 4th.

Our U6 practice will begin on Wednesday, March 5th.

We will have 2 Saturday practices before the games begin. Saturday practices will be held on February 8th and 15th

Cayetano Park

Cayetano Park is the primary field of the Livermore Phantoms. All Home Games are played at Cayetano.

Robertson Park

2025 Refund Policy

Reason Cutoff Date Refund %
Season-Ending Injury On or Before 2/15/25 100%
On or Before 3/15/25 50%
On or Before 4/15/25 25%
Non-Injury Withdrawal On or Before 1/10/25 100%
On or Before 2/10/25 50%
On or Before 3/10/25 15%